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Omatra Retreats

The Concept
A holistic approach to transform your life with integrated therapies, ancient healing techniques and modern wellness science. We help you attain equilibrium between your mind body and soul.


Holistic Approach
Attain a true and positive change in your lifestyle, learn to manage your disorders well and experience an overall positive change in your life. 

Customized Retreat Programs
Each of our programs is carefully customized for each participant, with our thorough diagnosis and detailed program designed, to suit individual needs and wellness goals.


Our Approach 
As we all know "Prevention is better than Cure", our programs help you identify the root cause of any potential lifestyle disorders and customize the Retreat program to help address these potential causes.  

Result Oriented Design
All the Retreat programs are customized to achieve visible results in your lifestyle, a program which will be easy to continue post the retreat too. Once you see visible results, these keep you motivated to carry on with the new routine.

Rustic and Serene Locations 
Our Retreat programs are hosted at the most serene and beautiful locations with natural bliss to aid the healing process. Locations which are specially hand-picked after thorough due diligence by a team of experienced wellness professionals


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